Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hey Here's my New Site!

So much anxiety – should I use Wordpress? Joomla? What if I go with a traditional website instead of a CMS? Will all the Wordpress junkies divorce me if I use something else?

Well here it is folks, and no it’s not complete. And it's not Wordpress. I don't even LIKE the way this program publishes, but I need it NOW and it is DONE! Nearly. You’ll see vast areas of space that need a little something. Maybe your comments?

For what it’s worth, I have been very busy with two things lately – Local SEO and Website Building for other people. I prefer SEO. I am good at it and it has well defined boundaries. As a person who strays outside when the boundaries are not well defined, I can chew up a lot of time researching and experimenting. Yeah – I DID color inside the lines. I was anal like that.

But the internet? You get me going on a topic and then I am flying off on something else I found or wait “Here’s ANOTHER expert I really need to subscribe too!”

Let me know what you think. Are my colors too obnoxious?

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